Sunday, April 17, 2011

What Is The Largest Dvd Changer

Dis-Fruit (including fruit variety) Maturity =)

Receiving my 45 years =)

begin to live, stumble, get up, sometimes faint, then we recover, learn from mistakes and the feeling of success alternates with failure. We continue our search, at some point our consciousness awakens and grows, giving rise to integration and clarity: there is a way beyond the success and failure. Everything is in the service of our evolution, something bigger.

In our culture today is not very well seen maturity. Seems to play years after a certain age, live longer as a loss as a gift of Life.
even some talk of "preparing" to meet this stage instead of "enjoy."

Personally, as other cultures closer to human nature, I think the maturity as a gift of life that brings us together, life experience and alertness; essentials to grow in wisdom.

therefore fulfilling my 45 years, I feel a deep gratitude to Life for the treasure that means to me:
-deepening inner knowledge,
-have more tools to sustain healthy ties,
-grow each day on love in its various manifestations: daughter, sister, ex-wife, mother, woman, wife, friend, grandmother, etc.

In my city, the day started cloudy and then was transformed to achieve a beautiful golden afternoon ... So was also the shift in consciousness occurred in my inner journey from the darkness of fear of not knowing who I am and get lost on the way toward the golden light of knowing that I created, loved and guided by God. Always!

Authentic Happiness I agree to be a mature experienced by all, and various dis-fruit fruit vital now gives me all the time. MATURITY Welcome!

I look back, accept, appreciate and honor all lived. Nothing has been wasted. Thanks Mom thanks dad. Thanks to all my ancestors. Thanks to all who traveled a stretch of road. I have the strength to look ahead, to Life. And serve.

Life Thanks! I honor, respect, and I am at your service.

"I am with you always
until the end of history"
Mt 28, 20


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