Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cervix 4 Days Before Period


Photo: Mariano Hannibal?

all want to be part of any association, club, social recreation center, because it is nice to meet people, feel part of a project.

Man is a social being. Socialization is part of the normal human life.

Recalling that socialization is a process by which the individual adopts the cultural elements of their environment and to integrate his personality to fit into society. In other words, socialization is the process by which the child learns to distinguish the acceptable from the unacceptable in their behavior. Socializing is a very important process that should be encouraged in children from an early age.

abusive organizations, such as those appearing under the guise of weapons in general forums in Peru have all the fumes and air Secta.Lo same with pseudo-religious groups, which require contributions payments, time to walk around handing out information, looking prodelitos even trying to locate people to punish them, chastened.

What is a cult?

The goal of the sect is always the same: to live at the expense of the follower, that his work leading to an increasing wealth of the leaders of the group and, in turn, impair the ability of critical follower, changing morals and cause a dependency group insurmountable

Are cults dangerous?

The characteristics of each depend on their leader and the ideology that wants to impose. In the world there are about 30,000 New Religious Movements (NMG) (As currently prefers to call a cult), of which 200 have been accused of threatening criminal actions, such as homicides and suicides (though only four or five can be considered actual suicide, in the minds of all are the cases of Georgetown (Guyana , 1978), the Davidians (Waco, 1995) and members of the Solar Temple (Switzerland, 1996). That is, most groups can only be a threat to "the integrity of the faith of the believer" in the as they preach a doctrine that deviate from traditional monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), but not induce, obviously, any criminal activity. Another question, quite different, are organizations that experts identify as destructive cults.

Other esoteric sects of punk, skinhead, in general forumers arms, among which we mention: "Defensive Shooting", "The Israelites of the last universal covenant," "The Mormons", the racist, fostered in different latitudes, a maximum adhesion to the manager sickly. Loyalty, without limitation, acceptance of any form of extortion, blackmail, on behalf of the welfare of the group. Slogans strange, deranged, are part of the life of these groups of people subhuman mostly unemployed, underemployed, seeking job opportunities economic, in the group to which adhere, regardless of the abuse, humiliation, expulsion and punishment from their peers.

Many members of forums weapons, religious, music fans reguetton, virtually abandoned the family, to live devoted to the sect. Destructive Cult

destructive cult is believed that group or movement that has a number of requirements:

1) It requires a great or excessive devotion or dedication to some person, idea or thing.

2) uses a thought reform program to persuade, control and socialize their members (integrated in a single pattern of relationships, beliefs, practices and values).

3) systematically induces its members to states of psychological dependence.

4) exploits its followers to achieve the objectives of the group's leadership.

5) tends to cause psychological harm to the followers, their families and the community. In 1993 in Spain were classified between 100 and 200 groups that could fit into the concept of destructive cults. Obviously, coarctation of freedom in these sects is a subtle form of violence that preys mainly on young people.

sects How do they work?

Members of sects use increasingly clever techniques to attract future supporters, ranging from the "pickups" in clubs, seemingly innocent, free registration for being part of a forum, membership cards with no value, alleged employment surveys to find or groups of psychologists and business consultants who offer their services. These are usually ways to get teens in search of affection or unemployed youth.

uptake is enhanced unwary, with endless activities for fellowship, toast, lunch, dinner, closed rites, initiation ceremonies, so as to achieve win "hearts", the feelings of frail, need, and then convert them into goods, sell their bodies to sell all kinds of cool stuff, amulets, meat, books, brochures, etc.. For

destructive cult is essential to transform the character of its followers, so that their priorities, interests, relationships and objectives are the rule on the group. This involves applying a series of psychological manipulation techniques, so progressive, they will mold a new personality tailored to the requirements of the group. As a result of these techniques produce, therefore, a change of personality that creates the appearance of an individual's family and friends tend not to recognize ("is like a different person, "say).

The behavior of the followers of sects

cult members


also more or less explicitly, the adept be feeling over the other for access to a "higher truth" that makes him feel "more happier than he ever had been before. "The observed change is usually sudden and unexpected, very similar in most affected regardless of the group to which they belong and their former self.

One of the first psychological disorders that can be observed is atypical dissociative disorder, classified as a psychiatric illness: difficulty answering, amnesia, disorientation, perceptual disturbances, states of trance, double personality, etc. All these situations are reflected in communication with others, there are changes in the educational or occupational (work becomes a means to raise resources for the group or on a platform to recruit new followers, are delivered every income group, and personal property, which may include prostitution) earlier loss of friendships and distancing from the family.

Techniques adept at psychological manipulation of cults.

1) collection techniques.

Objective: to raise the initial interest of the follower.

• Attracting staff sensor (offer friendship, support, security, sexual seduction, etc.)..

• Peer pressure (commitment to his new teammates).

• False exaltation of the values \u200b\u200bof the follower (abilities, knowledge, personal appeal etc.).
• Hiding information (for the new unknown recĂ­utado the real objectives of the group and their level of commitment to the future).

2) conversion techniques.

Objective: transformation of his personality.

• Control of information (you select the topics of greatest interest to the adept).

• Control of external reflections (disallowance of opinions of those who do not share the group.)

• Change in the language. Introduction of group-specific words, changing the meaning of words commonly used cd, etc.

• indoctrination sessions (seminars, lectures, classes, meditations
, etc.).

• Introduction of a specific vision of life. The group is in possession of the truth, and the outside world is bad and wrong.

3); retention techniques. Objective

; difficult leaving the group.

• Development in the adept of feelings of fear and guilt.

• Recommendations of the inconvenience of betraying the principles that have been offered.

• messages condemning and threatening irreparable consequences in case of abandonment. Profile

young adult who may be captured by a cult.

• Ideal age 20 to 30 years.

• Socioeconomic and cultural medium.

• normal intelligence.

• Altruistic and interested in helping others.

• Disagree with the overall functioning of society.

• Honest and good character.

• Some personal immaturity and poor critically.

• Passive-dependent (require the initiative of others).

• Search for something that gives meaning to his life.

• One is in personal crisis (emotional, occupational, etc.)..

Axioms in cases of sects.

• Anyone can be grasped if it is related to the sect

• He makes contact with it in due course.

• Most people who make contact or are captured by the groups do not have a basic psychological disorder.

• By being in a situation of personal crisis, the individual defense mechanisms are diminished.

• An educated and raised in a cult from birth is more easily retrievable for society than one who joins the group when they are adults. Warning Signs

When we got to the point of accepting no more truth than our leader. regardless of this, take advantage of fire bush, rob us, abuse us, be indolent and abusive to our partners, we are already caught up in what is known as sect.

sects, members often use to commit, arbitrariness, attacks on individuals, difamasiones, even use them to give false testimony, lie, in order to win disputes, claims, etc..

cult members, often in addition, be prepared to deliver the fruits of their work, preferring to deprive their families of good food, to deliver the leader all the money they can get.

Leaders of sects, cheat on their members, partners, in different ways, but often these know, prefer to keep faith in them, believing that soon will see economic results satisfactory to all.

Most cults have managed to create real wealth, local made of huge, elegant, countless vehicles, offices, bank accounts, benefiting only those who are part of the ruling group.

sects always in degrees of initiation, growth, which are marked by names, symbols stupid, is something like unajerarquizacion.

those below, expect to be up someday, those who are just mimebros today, tomorrow .... hope to be leaders move up the scale of merit.

sect members tend to be "absurd slogans, symbols, almost diabolical, that mix the good with wrong.

sects Most people will choose, to marry, where and how to live, ask extraordinary contributions, tithes, payment for the cause.

"you are in a cult?

How shall I know?


If the group that frequents, to tell you:

- As you think, she must believe, as they should spend their money, who must form a couple, calling him one day a week to spend in the company required the group asked some of their monthly income, then you are in a cult.

- If you are psyched and enticed with meetings, lunches, endless celebration, ritual, secular, religious, loyalty oath required of him, warn him that if he misbehaves, will be punished, you is trapped in a cult.

Pedro Alejandro Reyes Ramos Director of Alvisegperu / alvisegperu


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