Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nitrous Oxide Effect On The Brain

Wise Advice ...

for everyday

Tips Georges Gurdjieff to his daughter in the book of Alejandro Jodorowsky "The teacher and magicians"

1. Be aware at every moment of what you think , feel, want and do.
2. Always complete what you started.
3. Do what you're doing your best.
4. Do not be chained to anything that will eventually destroy you.
5. Develop your generosity without witnesses.
6. Treat every person as a close relative.
7. Order what you've messed up.
8. Learn to receive, appreciate each gift.
9. Autodefinirte ceases.
10. Do not lie or steal, if you do you lie and you steal from yourself.
11. Help your neighbor without doing so dependent.
12. Do not want to be imitated.
13. Make plans and stick work.
14. Not occupy too much space.
15. Do not make unnecessary noises or gestures.
16. If not, you imitate the faith.
17. Do not be impressed by strong personalities.
18. Do not appropriate anything or anyone.
19. Shared equally.
20. Do not seduce.
21. Eat and sleep is necessary.
22. Do not talk about personal problems.
23. Do not judge or unaware of the criticism when most of the facts.
24. Do not set unnecessary friendships.
25. Do not follow fads.

26. Do not sell.
27. Respect have signed contracts.
28. Be punctual.
29. Do not envy the goods or the successes of others.
30. Speak only what is necessary.
31. Do not think of the benefits that you will try your work.
32. Never threaten.
33. Make your promises.
34. In a discussion yourself in the shoes of another.
35. He admits that someone exceeded.
36. Do not remove, but transformed.
37. Defeat your fears, each of them is a desire that is camouflaged.
38. Helps the other to help themselves.
39. Beat your dislikes and come to those who want to reject.
40. Do not act in reaction to what they say good or bad for you.
41. Transform your pride in dignity.
42. Turn your anger into creativity.
43. Transform your greed in respect for the beauty.
44. Transform your envy into admiration for the values \u200b\u200bof another.
45. Transform your hatred with love.
46. Do not praise or insult you.
47. Try what is not yours as if you belonged.
48. Do not complain.
49. Develop your imagination.
50. Do not give orders for the pleasure of being obeyed.
51. Pays for the services they give you.
52. Propaganda do not make your work or ideas.
53. Do not try to arouse the other emotions to you and pity, admiration, sympathy and complicity.
54. Do not try to distinguish yourself by your appearance.
55. Never contradict, just shut up.
56. No indebtedness, acquires and pays immediately.
57. If you offend someone, ask forgiveness.
58. If you have offended public, excuse yourself in public.
59. If you realize you said something wrong, do not push out of pride in that error and desist immediately from your purpose.
60. Do not defend your ideas old just because it was you who the enunciated.
61. Do not keep useless objects.
62. Do not garnish with alien ideas.
63. Do not take pictures with celebrities.
64. Not accountable to anyone, be your own judge.
65. Never define yourself by what you have.
66. Never talk to you, and grant you the ability to change.
67. You agree that nothing is yours.
68. When asked your opinion on something or someone, say only their qualities.
69. When you are sick, instead of hating this evil Consider it your master.
70. Do not look furtively, stares.
71. Do not forget your dead, but give them a limited room to prevent them from invading your life.
72. In the place in which they live is always a site devoted to the sacred.
73. When you do not service your efforts projections.
74. If you decide to work for others, do it with pleasure.
75. If in doubt between doing and not doing, take risks and do.
76. Do not try to be everything to your partner, admits that others look at what you can not give.
77. When someone takes the audience not to contradict and go steal the audience.
78. Lives of money earned for yourself.
79. Do not boast of affairs.
80. Do not boast about your weaknesses.
81. Never visit someone just to fill your time.
82. Get to distribute


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