Tuesday, April 26, 2011

24 Hr Laundry Manhattan

The three steps of personal growth

"Every time has its time.
Push it, and it will be too soon;
retenlo, and it will be too late.
At the right time, there is nothing to stop it." Ray
Life raises
La vida plantea desafíos, pero lo importante es como vemos nosotros esos desafíos.
Las personas durante nuestra vida, pasamos por tres escalones que podríamos llamar:
“Los 3 escalones del Crecimiento Personal”.
Es común que vayamos transitando por cada uno, con avances y retrocesos, hasta que pegamos el salto cualitativo hacia el nuevo escalón.
Pero hay personas que se quedan detenidas en el 1° o 2° escalón; y el desafío es llegar al tercero.

El Crecimiento Personal es un proceso
Así podríamos definir los tres escalones del a Crecimiento Personal:
This step is common to wonder:
- "Why did not God takes pity on me?"
- "Why are people so bad?"
- "Why did this have to happen to me? ". This thinking
us momentarily calm anxiety and distress, but close all your chances to grow.
If we stop at this stage, we're locked in a vicious cycle of sadness, which we find very difficult to leave if no qualified people ask for help.

At this stage, the questions we ask ourselves are:
- "What I can learn from this is happening to me? "
-" What I can do about it? ".
overcome the mentality of staying stuck in suffering and begin to grow.
And so we see that life is learning.
But if we stop here at some point in our lives we realize we've been riding in a vacuum and ask ourselves:
- "What is the point of everything I'm doing? I'm missing something. "
If we keep walking forward, with perseverance, to find the answer, we will have advanced to the third step.

come to see our life as a life mission that we have to perform.
Looking back 10 years ago in our lives, we can see how each of the actions we took careful when we are experiencing today.
will see clearly that every person and circumstance of our past, seem to accommodate like pieces of a puzzle.
discover how experienced such adversity (illness, job loss, bereavement, etc.) Forced us to go down paths that we're very grateful.
We understand that your partner has left you, I took her to meet the person you are now happily married today.
Each event is linked to the next.
At this stage the question now is:
- What I can give I to Life?
- How I can serve life?

Everything is related to everything
Everything is connected to everything else.
At the time it's like watching a tapestry inside out and do not understand the figure, but then we'll see how that creation is formed, we see more clearly (clarity, clairvoyance), and understand that everything happens for a reason above us that there is a hand of a master behind the masterpiece that is our own life.
When we reached the third step, social success is secondary to us, but paradoxically, is a consequence thereof.

receiving and
In step 1 and 2 the focus is oriented to receive.
In step 3, you will focus on giving.
Life becomes a magical adventure, and live wondering what this has to do certain person or event with our mission.

To achieve true happiness
the true happiness when we walk the path and arrived at 3 ° step.
is where we know that our life unique and unrepeatable has a purpose that only we can carry out.
And when we realize this and begin to questioning, teachers appear to teach us what we need to learn in order to fulfill our mission.
may occur in the form of a friend, a book, a boy, a blog =) or a note in the paper that magically appears. Not coincidentally, are signs that we must learn to decode.
receive clues throughout your life, tell you what to do.
Just stay alert, awake @ and follow your intuition to Grow in Love, which serves to Life.

And a life full
So remember: just when you're on the third step in personal growth experience that feeling full interior.
Your life has a purpose and your task is to dis-cover. Wake

for Life!
They say a man asked his friend:
- "Do you say to God?"
And he said:
- "Yes, every night,"
- "What you ask?" asked
- "do not ask anything. just ask how I can help"

And Serve with Love =)
Meditate on your responsibilities to the world and before God.
Do your work in loving.

To reflect
changed us, changed the world.

Spirituality lights the way
" Upon seeing your good works will glorify your heavenly Father "
Matthew 5.16.

"Woman, why are you crying?"
Jn 20.15


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