Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How Often Should An Executor Update A Beneficiary

The Re-Birth You Want

have to break a world

"The bird eggs hatch.
The egg is the world.
who wants to be born has to break a world"

Herman Hesse (1877-1962 ) writer, poet, novelist and Swiss painter of German origin.

Easter means Christians are celebrating Easter.
And the word Easter means step.
Do I spend what?: Transition from a primitive state to a more evolved, more free.
And as we break the Easter eggs, if we re-birth and move to a new more evolved state, we need to break la estructura que nos contiene.
Necesitamos quebrar esa estructura para pasar a ser personas cada vez más autónomas, más lúcidas, más sensibles, que eligen por sí mismas y no solo por lo que los demás esperan.

Hacia un estado más evolucionado
Y no es necesario esperar las fiestas pascuales para ello.
Podemos hacer que cada día sea una pequeña Pascua.
Un paso hacia la evolución, a la cual estamos todos llamados.
Gracias a la psicología humanista, y a Carl Rogers -uno de sus exponentes-, hoy sabemos que todos los seres vivientes tenemos una tendencia auto-actualizante que nos empuja a desarrollarnos, a evolucionar.
Esta fuerza nos lleva to express more fully, more honesty, inner clarity, greater compassion, greater clarity, more love! Breaking

And the process that we made when we compare it to evolve to hatch an egg.
Leaving behind the comfort of the old to venture to the new, the un-explored, to that which we are not yet, but we are called to be.

born the "new man"
Thus, we re-creating us. We're giving birth to ourselves.
And we re-elect our lives because we have learned to take the helm.
course everyone is free to choose to break the shell that contains us and throw into the new, or be wedded to the old and familiar. Hopefully
choose to hatch as many times as necessary.

To reflect "
I'm not a man who knows.
I have been a man and I am looking for yet, but seek not already in the stars or in the books start to listen to the teachings my blood whispers in me.
My story is not pleasant, not smooth and harmonious as invented stories; know madness and confusion, madness and dreams, as the life of every man who will not lie to themselves more.
's life every man is a path itself, the attempt of a road, the trace of a trail.
No man has ever been completely himself, but all aspire to become such a darkly, clearer others, each one as you can.
all carry to the end, viscosities and egg shells of a primordial world. Some
never comes a man, and remains frog, squirrel or an ant.
Another is a man from the waist up, and the remaining fish.
But each is an impulse of nature to man.
We understand each other, but only to himself can be interpreted each
"Herman Hesse

Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him ...
Lk 24, 31


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