Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Twisted Pelvis Inversion Table

Building Bridges to Our Inner World Together forever

Looking to center of our hearts ...
making our life a beautiful work of art ... .
Re-connecting with the forgotten knowledge ...

frees us from the pack emotional charge ...

TRUST the wise voice of our hearts ...


take away our social mask ...
Evolve ...
Then we return to the world without being of the world ...
We return emanating our own light ...


"Will you heal?" (Jn 5.6),

"Arise, take your mat and walk" (Jn 5.8)

Pilgrimage to the center of our hearts ...
A bright beam of light through the darkness ...
That beam of light begins to shine with new strength and shine when we see the past in a completely new ... re-connected back to the eternal present ... dis tune and various fruit-fruit that gives us life ...

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