Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What Are Good Songs To Run Out To

Clarifying Our look with humility

Towards an ecumenical spirituality

is taking place the beginning of a new historical age, characterized by the search for an ecumenical spirituality tends to achieve an expansion of consciousness for the entire humanity.

"God is present in all"

In a panel discussion on religion and peace, which involved the Dalai Lama asked him

- What is the best religion?

The Dalai Lama made a short pause, he smiled and said:

"The best religion is the one you closer to God, the Infinite. Is one that makes you better"

- What makes me better, I asked,

He answered
- "That which makes you more compassionate, more sensitive, more detached, more loving, more humanitarian, more responsible, more ethical ... The religion that you get to do that is the best religion. "

What really matters is our behavior in our everyday links.
" The Universe is the echo of our actions and our thoughts "

To reflect
Watch your thoughts because they become words.
Watch your words because they become Acts.
Watch your acts because they will Usual.
forge Watch your habits because your character.
Watch your character it will be your fate.
And your Destination is your life.

Where and how to find God, the source, the goal?
not only in church or temple or mosque, or the Bible or sacred texts or events of our lives.
We found in our inner depths.
In fact, the central and basic knowledge of God is in the heart, where the meeting with ourselves and with God are inseparable.
Their union, el auto-conocimiento y el conocimiento de Dios, es la terapia más profunda.
P. Laurence Freeman

Dios está presente en todas las personas.
Reside en cada corazón.
Por lo tanto, no confines a Dios a un templo, mezquita o iglesia. Dondequiera que el ser humano esté, allí estará Dios.
Al no darte cuenta de esto, te permites criticar a los demás.
Para sobreponerte this habit, investigates your insights
"Whom I love? critical Who?"
God is present in all.
So criticize somebody is to criticize yourself. When you love someone, you love yourself.
Whoever you criticize, your criticism comes to God (Sarva Jeeva Thiraskaaram Keshavam Pratigacchati).
Whoever health, your greeting is extended to God (Sarva Jeeva Namaskaram Keshavam Prattigachati).

Sai Baba

All are equal before the eyes of God.
To him, no one is ahead or behind.
No worth more or less. Any interpretation and classification as being special for the field of human ego not the realm of the divine.


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