Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Macbook Pro Cd Burner Not Working

The setbacks, obstacles and crises

are opportunities to awaken and Grow Ü

Now is the time to expand our consciousness,
calm the troubled mind, cleanse the doors of perception and restore the health of the eye of the heart
by which we become more wise and loving.

The setbacks, obstacles and crises are opportunities in disguise that Life gives us so we can grow and evolve. Are implicit messages that we must learn to decode.

When we allow these processes move in faith that "everything is for good" (Rom 8.28), we understand the message, and act in harmony with universal values \u200b\u200b(humility, patience, prudence, compassion, generosity, justice, order, equality, liberty, fortitude, temperance, harmony, goodness, kindness, wisdom, love) Life itself surprises us with a miracle.

By contrast, when we resist stubbornly, events are repeated over and over again, and we were detained in the same place as the dog that bites its own tail, because we have not completed the learning that these experiences will come to give.

Awake, alert and aware we can transcend the fears that cause us any obstacles or setbacks and recognition as our teachers, guides, real challenges that offer us the opportunity to re-know, understand something new, learn, grow , unfold, expand, evolve.


Certain events are repeated in our lives because we have not completed the learning we needed for our personal evolution.
When we understand the message and work to learn what is necessary, these events fail to repeat, because their mission is already accomplished.

"What the Father has taught me, that's what I mean ..."
Jn 8, 28

be awake is to accept everything, not law, nor as a sacrifice, not an effort, but lighting.
embrace all things because they see clear and nothing and nobody can fool you. You awaken to the light.
Anthony de Mello


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