Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Open Girdles For Women

The Secret of a Holy

Thanks to "Place of Peace" that I shared this video on Facebook =)

He forgave those who attacked his life ...

Love has no barriers ...

" not be afraid"
John Paul II

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Phlegm In Throat After Drinking Juice

Scientific biographies poet Gonzalo Rojas

CEDENNA CONICYT and invites all high school students in the country to participate in the 2nd contest of scientific life, under the name of great scientific reports of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The invitation is to look into the fascinating lives of women who have devoted themselves entirely to science, contributing to discoveries, technological advances and knowledge, while, reporters become well documented, in a neat handwriting and respect the particularities of biographical text.

From School Library CRA can we encourage this activity and assist students interested in books, articles, magazines, CDs, DVDs and all types of scientific texts that are able to carry out their research.

For more information check the website of Explore .

not hesitate to share with us their experiences on this exciting contest!

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What lies behind the desire for revenge?

Vengeance is blind and spreads like wildfire

"The operator just look forward, "
Bert Hellinger
When someone suffers an injustice
When someone suffers an injustice, usually give rise to a strong desire for revenge.
And that desire for revenge he wants is that the other suffers as he, deep down he wants is the other's death, his suffering.
Now, we might ask:
- what happens to that person with vengeance in the depths of his soul?,
- what feels if he can take revenge and is proud of it?,
- can feel a being human?,
- can you love others?,
- Can be happy?

Wakes desire for revenge
When a person comes from another who was considered an injustice, also arouses the desire for revenge on the victim as well, thus creating a circle of hatred that often not even knows how it started.
addition, it often happens that the impulse for revenge is not directed only to the individual who is responsible for injustice and you want revenge, but it spreads to other people too.

Vengeance is blind and expands
Then, beyond that some people have had or not to do injustice, the impulse for revenge often takes superhuman proportions and spreads like fire, killing many innocent lives that had nothing to do with it.
Thus we see that vengeance is blind. Why not see the consequences.

eye for an eye and end all blind
And how to light a thirst for revenge?
"An eye for an eye and end all blind," said Gandhi.
This is the point: to get rid of the impulse of revenge must deeply understand how this works, and that one is who can be burned with the fire that spreads through revenge. Self
innocent can end get caught fire of revenge!

justice on behalf of the victims are killed
Many are driven by the impulse of revenge in the name of justice.
But can justice be something that is in the service of death? Justice for whom?
Can God, creator of all life, love this kind of justice that victims sacrificed?

Life can only continue if there is more life for all
Today more than ever it is necessary that each of us to realize that life can only continue if there is more life for all, more love for all , that what we really need is to be free and love.
The worst blindness is usurp power over life.
The journey is the humility and reconciliation, is to recognize that all are equal before God.

How to find the way to life for all?
-Awakening and realizing that revenge serves to death and not life-
consciously choosing to serve life in a humble and
-Honoring the life, every life.

To reflect
" Peace comes after the conflict. Leads to piece together what was the opposite. Peace is the successful outcome of a conflict, is a solution. With peace, the hope that it starts a separate factor has been exceeded, resulting to see a possible future. Peace looks forward. Wounds are healed, the dead are buried, where damage was repaired and destruction, re-build "Bert Hellinger

Spirituality lights the way
" Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and home from home, falls "
Lk 11, 17

" Basa your life in the spirit of conversion. Everything else flows from there - what we do, where we go ... "
John Main, The Joy of Being

Monday, May 2, 2011

How Long Do Std Tests Take To Get Back

John Paul II: A living example of "say yes to God" The true human greatness

JUAN PABLO II Thank you! has been a living example and of course LOVE GOD!

Bless our hearts like yours do, and, following your example, say "yes" to God at every moment, living in harmony with its Grande Amor. Amen!

How to access the GLORY OF GOD?
Father: "Not my will but yours ."
From that resignation began to experience that indescribable state in which we see its fruits: joy, serenity, joy, energy, gratitude, and so, so much more ...

'You must be born from above'

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tinea Versicolor How Long


Photo: Defensive Shooting Pollada

big cock Defensive Shooting Anniversary organized for members and their families. Chicken bruised, rotten, covered in lime, rubbed with running stick. Hannibal Yekyll Mariano recipe, love to all colleagues who dutifully pay their S/.30 soles with a meal of barbecue, no salad, no plate, everyone brought a sheet of newsprint, to share together.

"Path not know shit" presto a yard, fenced lot in shooting, for the important event.

chatted pleasantly While members of the most important forum of Callao barracks, accompanied by their wives, Mariano drink in hand, wine bottle 6 soles, energy to talk to attendees:

"Dear friends, members, partners today, as we sell our meat gold card clone ripley, Bank Gold Card Continental, but, finally, a nice meat.

not have any practical value in the street, even in a seedy bar, good for nothing, but do not see things negatively. Let us examine, with the heart. Consider the symbolic value that is .......

This meat gold, silver, version Aldra in pink, orange and canary yellow, as I like, is to feel integrated PC to this family, it does not hurt anyone, that does not harm anyone, just boot to members who are uncomfortable, but for the good of all.

We can not allow someone to opine differently engaged to question, that is not democratic, it is fraternal, spoiled my business .-..... sorry, spoil the unity of the group.

not be fooled with courses of 370 suns shot, god knows who the unions, where ...... rather, diligetemente, disciplined buy the wonderful courses that Groove is not that shit, I ofrercemos, pardon offered them, just $ 500 American dollars. A pittance.

So ended his speech the President of the Defensive Shooting Forum Weapons, today two years later, forced by what others think, turned pro in association pockets, more important and better uptake of giles, throughout Peru.

dumps The event was attended by the Municipality of Surco, Commander James Bobo, the police launched a thief, Captain Ferreyros, murderer of farmers inthe decade of 80, and many other personalities, who broke into applause at the host.

Corporate Image Dept.

Defensive Shooting

Cervix 4 Days Before Period


Photo: Mariano Hannibal?

all want to be part of any association, club, social recreation center, because it is nice to meet people, feel part of a project.

Man is a social being. Socialization is part of the normal human life.

Recalling that socialization is a process by which the individual adopts the cultural elements of their environment and to integrate his personality to fit into society. In other words, socialization is the process by which the child learns to distinguish the acceptable from the unacceptable in their behavior. Socializing is a very important process that should be encouraged in children from an early age.

abusive organizations, such as those appearing under the guise of weapons in general forums in Peru have all the fumes and air Secta.Lo same with pseudo-religious groups, which require contributions payments, time to walk around handing out information, looking prodelitos even trying to locate people to punish them, chastened.

What is a cult?

The goal of the sect is always the same: to live at the expense of the follower, that his work leading to an increasing wealth of the leaders of the group and, in turn, impair the ability of critical follower, changing morals and cause a dependency group insurmountable

Are cults dangerous?

The characteristics of each depend on their leader and the ideology that wants to impose. In the world there are about 30,000 New Religious Movements (NMG) (As currently prefers to call a cult), of which 200 have been accused of threatening criminal actions, such as homicides and suicides (though only four or five can be considered actual suicide, in the minds of all are the cases of Georgetown (Guyana , 1978), the Davidians (Waco, 1995) and members of the Solar Temple (Switzerland, 1996). That is, most groups can only be a threat to "the integrity of the faith of the believer" in the as they preach a doctrine that deviate from traditional monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), but not induce, obviously, any criminal activity. Another question, quite different, are organizations that experts identify as destructive cults.

Other esoteric sects of punk, skinhead, in general forumers arms, among which we mention: "Defensive Shooting", "The Israelites of the last universal covenant," "The Mormons", the racist, fostered in different latitudes, a maximum adhesion to the manager sickly. Loyalty, without limitation, acceptance of any form of extortion, blackmail, on behalf of the welfare of the group. Slogans strange, deranged, are part of the life of these groups of people subhuman mostly unemployed, underemployed, seeking job opportunities economic, in the group to which adhere, regardless of the abuse, humiliation, expulsion and punishment from their peers.

Many members of forums weapons, religious, music fans reguetton, virtually abandoned the family, to live devoted to the sect. Destructive Cult

destructive cult is believed that group or movement that has a number of requirements:

1) It requires a great or excessive devotion or dedication to some person, idea or thing.

2) uses a thought reform program to persuade, control and socialize their members (integrated in a single pattern of relationships, beliefs, practices and values).

3) systematically induces its members to states of psychological dependence.

4) exploits its followers to achieve the objectives of the group's leadership.

5) tends to cause psychological harm to the followers, their families and the community. In 1993 in Spain were classified between 100 and 200 groups that could fit into the concept of destructive cults. Obviously, coarctation of freedom in these sects is a subtle form of violence that preys mainly on young people.

sects How do they work?

Members of sects use increasingly clever techniques to attract future supporters, ranging from the "pickups" in clubs, seemingly innocent, free registration for being part of a forum, membership cards with no value, alleged employment surveys to find or groups of psychologists and business consultants who offer their services. These are usually ways to get teens in search of affection or unemployed youth.

uptake is enhanced unwary, with endless activities for fellowship, toast, lunch, dinner, closed rites, initiation ceremonies, so as to achieve win "hearts", the feelings of frail, need, and then convert them into goods, sell their bodies to sell all kinds of cool stuff, amulets, meat, books, brochures, etc.. For

destructive cult is essential to transform the character of its followers, so that their priorities, interests, relationships and objectives are the rule on the group. This involves applying a series of psychological manipulation techniques, so progressive, they will mold a new personality tailored to the requirements of the group. As a result of these techniques produce, therefore, a change of personality that creates the appearance of an individual's family and friends tend not to recognize ("is like a different person, "say).

The behavior of the followers of sects

cult members


also more or less explicitly, the adept be feeling over the other for access to a "higher truth" that makes him feel "more happier than he ever had been before. "The observed change is usually sudden and unexpected, very similar in most affected regardless of the group to which they belong and their former self.

One of the first psychological disorders that can be observed is atypical dissociative disorder, classified as a psychiatric illness: difficulty answering, amnesia, disorientation, perceptual disturbances, states of trance, double personality, etc. All these situations are reflected in communication with others, there are changes in the educational or occupational (work becomes a means to raise resources for the group or on a platform to recruit new followers, are delivered every income group, and personal property, which may include prostitution) earlier loss of friendships and distancing from the family.

Techniques adept at psychological manipulation of cults.

1) collection techniques.

Objective: to raise the initial interest of the follower.

• Attracting staff sensor (offer friendship, support, security, sexual seduction, etc.)..

• Peer pressure (commitment to his new teammates).

• False exaltation of the values \u200b\u200bof the follower (abilities, knowledge, personal appeal etc.).
• Hiding information (for the new unknown recíutado the real objectives of the group and their level of commitment to the future).

2) conversion techniques.

Objective: transformation of his personality.

• Control of information (you select the topics of greatest interest to the adept).

• Control of external reflections (disallowance of opinions of those who do not share the group.)

• Change in the language. Introduction of group-specific words, changing the meaning of words commonly used cd, etc.

• indoctrination sessions (seminars, lectures, classes, meditations
, etc.).

• Introduction of a specific vision of life. The group is in possession of the truth, and the outside world is bad and wrong.

3); retention techniques. Objective

; difficult leaving the group.

• Development in the adept of feelings of fear and guilt.

• Recommendations of the inconvenience of betraying the principles that have been offered.

• messages condemning and threatening irreparable consequences in case of abandonment. Profile

young adult who may be captured by a cult.

• Ideal age 20 to 30 years.

• Socioeconomic and cultural medium.

• normal intelligence.

• Altruistic and interested in helping others.

• Disagree with the overall functioning of society.

• Honest and good character.

• Some personal immaturity and poor critically.

• Passive-dependent (require the initiative of others).

• Search for something that gives meaning to his life.

• One is in personal crisis (emotional, occupational, etc.)..

Axioms in cases of sects.

• Anyone can be grasped if it is related to the sect

• He makes contact with it in due course.

• Most people who make contact or are captured by the groups do not have a basic psychological disorder.

• By being in a situation of personal crisis, the individual defense mechanisms are diminished.

• An educated and raised in a cult from birth is more easily retrievable for society than one who joins the group when they are adults. Warning Signs

When we got to the point of accepting no more truth than our leader. regardless of this, take advantage of fire bush, rob us, abuse us, be indolent and abusive to our partners, we are already caught up in what is known as sect.

sects, members often use to commit, arbitrariness, attacks on individuals, difamasiones, even use them to give false testimony, lie, in order to win disputes, claims, etc..

cult members, often in addition, be prepared to deliver the fruits of their work, preferring to deprive their families of good food, to deliver the leader all the money they can get.

Leaders of sects, cheat on their members, partners, in different ways, but often these know, prefer to keep faith in them, believing that soon will see economic results satisfactory to all.

Most cults have managed to create real wealth, local made of huge, elegant, countless vehicles, offices, bank accounts, benefiting only those who are part of the ruling group.

sects always in degrees of initiation, growth, which are marked by names, symbols stupid, is something like unajerarquizacion.

those below, expect to be up someday, those who are just mimebros today, tomorrow .... hope to be leaders move up the scale of merit.

sect members tend to be "absurd slogans, symbols, almost diabolical, that mix the good with wrong.

sects Most people will choose, to marry, where and how to live, ask extraordinary contributions, tithes, payment for the cause.

"you are in a cult?

How shall I know?


If the group that frequents, to tell you:

- As you think, she must believe, as they should spend their money, who must form a couple, calling him one day a week to spend in the company required the group asked some of their monthly income, then you are in a cult.

- If you are psyched and enticed with meetings, lunches, endless celebration, ritual, secular, religious, loyalty oath required of him, warn him that if he misbehaves, will be punished, you is trapped in a cult.

Pedro Alejandro Reyes Ramos Director of Alvisegperu / alvisegperu

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pressure In Ears Sick

Where am I going?
to life, full life, now
doing the best
moment to moment.

"Greatness is achieved through a common life.
The full life is a life in which one partner is found, have children and facing all the effort and all risk and all the happiness and suffering in the family.
That is the true human greatness.
And it is the most common of all life.
Most live a life in common "
Bert Hellinger

" opened their minds to understand the Scriptures "
Lk 24, 45

Jackson And Hewitt Holiday Loan

Diseases and love in the family

The highest degree of medicine is love.
(1493-1541 alchemist, physician and astrologer Swiss)

Sometimes diseases can be tortuous path we choose unconsciously to try to rid ourselves of our responsibility, as if we return to our mother's arms to feel confident with the pampering we received it or wanted to have and we never had in our childhood ...

But the disease leads to a negotiation hidden in the soul.

And although we see with little dignity, she probably is the one that keeps us alive.

Depression, constant desire to give up on life (suicide) cancer, obesity, attention deficit disorder and many other common ailments plaguing our life in society.

And sometimes for them to have few remedies.

Nobody teaches us to look into the soul of the family nesting much information.

And if I can look at what travel system hidden in my family, I'll probably have a better chance of finding what makes me sick, which is nothing but love and loyalty to my own family ... Where is

the wound is healing ...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How Often Should An Executor Update A Beneficiary

The Re-Birth You Want

have to break a world

"The bird eggs hatch.
The egg is the world.
who wants to be born has to break a world"

Herman Hesse (1877-1962 ) writer, poet, novelist and Swiss painter of German origin.

Easter means Christians are celebrating Easter.
And the word Easter means step.
Do I spend what?: Transition from a primitive state to a more evolved, more free.
And as we break the Easter eggs, if we re-birth and move to a new more evolved state, we need to break la estructura que nos contiene.
Necesitamos quebrar esa estructura para pasar a ser personas cada vez más autónomas, más lúcidas, más sensibles, que eligen por sí mismas y no solo por lo que los demás esperan.

Hacia un estado más evolucionado
Y no es necesario esperar las fiestas pascuales para ello.
Podemos hacer que cada día sea una pequeña Pascua.
Un paso hacia la evolución, a la cual estamos todos llamados.
Gracias a la psicología humanista, y a Carl Rogers -uno de sus exponentes-, hoy sabemos que todos los seres vivientes tenemos una tendencia auto-actualizante que nos empuja a desarrollarnos, a evolucionar.
Esta fuerza nos lleva to express more fully, more honesty, inner clarity, greater compassion, greater clarity, more love! Breaking

And the process that we made when we compare it to evolve to hatch an egg.
Leaving behind the comfort of the old to venture to the new, the un-explored, to that which we are not yet, but we are called to be.

born the "new man"
Thus, we re-creating us. We're giving birth to ourselves.
And we re-elect our lives because we have learned to take the helm.
course everyone is free to choose to break the shell that contains us and throw into the new, or be wedded to the old and familiar. Hopefully
choose to hatch as many times as necessary.

To reflect "
I'm not a man who knows.
I have been a man and I am looking for yet, but seek not already in the stars or in the books start to listen to the teachings my blood whispers in me.
My story is not pleasant, not smooth and harmonious as invented stories; know madness and confusion, madness and dreams, as the life of every man who will not lie to themselves more.
's life every man is a path itself, the attempt of a road, the trace of a trail.
No man has ever been completely himself, but all aspire to become such a darkly, clearer others, each one as you can.
all carry to the end, viscosities and egg shells of a primordial world. Some
never comes a man, and remains frog, squirrel or an ant.
Another is a man from the waist up, and the remaining fish.
But each is an impulse of nature to man.
We understand each other, but only to himself can be interpreted each
"Herman Hesse

Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him ...
Lk 24, 31

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

24 Hr Laundry Manhattan

The three steps of personal growth

"Every time has its time.
Push it, and it will be too soon;
retenlo, and it will be too late.
At the right time, there is nothing to stop it." Ray
Life raises
La vida plantea desafíos, pero lo importante es como vemos nosotros esos desafíos.
Las personas durante nuestra vida, pasamos por tres escalones que podríamos llamar:
“Los 3 escalones del Crecimiento Personal”.
Es común que vayamos transitando por cada uno, con avances y retrocesos, hasta que pegamos el salto cualitativo hacia el nuevo escalón.
Pero hay personas que se quedan detenidas en el 1° o 2° escalón; y el desafío es llegar al tercero.

El Crecimiento Personal es un proceso
Así podríamos definir los tres escalones del a Crecimiento Personal:
This step is common to wonder:
- "Why did not God takes pity on me?"
- "Why are people so bad?"
- "Why did this have to happen to me? ". This thinking
us momentarily calm anxiety and distress, but close all your chances to grow.
If we stop at this stage, we're locked in a vicious cycle of sadness, which we find very difficult to leave if no qualified people ask for help.

At this stage, the questions we ask ourselves are:
- "What I can learn from this is happening to me? "
-" What I can do about it? ".
overcome the mentality of staying stuck in suffering and begin to grow.
And so we see that life is learning.
But if we stop here at some point in our lives we realize we've been riding in a vacuum and ask ourselves:
- "What is the point of everything I'm doing? I'm missing something. "
If we keep walking forward, with perseverance, to find the answer, we will have advanced to the third step.

come to see our life as a life mission that we have to perform.
Looking back 10 years ago in our lives, we can see how each of the actions we took careful when we are experiencing today.
will see clearly that every person and circumstance of our past, seem to accommodate like pieces of a puzzle.
discover how experienced such adversity (illness, job loss, bereavement, etc.) Forced us to go down paths that we're very grateful.
We understand that your partner has left you, I took her to meet the person you are now happily married today.
Each event is linked to the next.
At this stage the question now is:
- What I can give I to Life?
- How I can serve life?

Everything is related to everything
Everything is connected to everything else.
At the time it's like watching a tapestry inside out and do not understand the figure, but then we'll see how that creation is formed, we see more clearly (clarity, clairvoyance), and understand that everything happens for a reason above us that there is a hand of a master behind the masterpiece that is our own life.
When we reached the third step, social success is secondary to us, but paradoxically, is a consequence thereof.

receiving and
In step 1 and 2 the focus is oriented to receive.
In step 3, you will focus on giving.
Life becomes a magical adventure, and live wondering what this has to do certain person or event with our mission.

To achieve true happiness
the true happiness when we walk the path and arrived at 3 ° step.
is where we know that our life unique and unrepeatable has a purpose that only we can carry out.
And when we realize this and begin to questioning, teachers appear to teach us what we need to learn in order to fulfill our mission.
may occur in the form of a friend, a book, a boy, a blog =) or a note in the paper that magically appears. Not coincidentally, are signs that we must learn to decode.
receive clues throughout your life, tell you what to do.
Just stay alert, awake @ and follow your intuition to Grow in Love, which serves to Life.

And a life full
So remember: just when you're on the third step in personal growth experience that feeling full interior.
Your life has a purpose and your task is to dis-cover. Wake

for Life!
They say a man asked his friend:
- "Do you say to God?"
And he said:
- "Yes, every night,"
- "What you ask?" asked
- "do not ask anything. just ask how I can help"

And Serve with Love =)
Meditate on your responsibilities to the world and before God.
Do your work in loving.

To reflect
changed us, changed the world.

Spirituality lights the way
" Upon seeing your good works will glorify your heavenly Father "
Matthew 5.16.

"Woman, why are you crying?"
Jn 20.15

Monday, April 25, 2011

Swiss Gear Tent Pole Replacements

Today deceased poet Gonzalo Rojas at 93 years of age. We express our deepest sympathy to their loved ones and national poetry.

honor his memory with a poem he wrote.

Against death

visions and I rip your eyes I pluck each passing day.
not want to see I can not! see men die every day. I'd rather be
stone be dark,
to endure the disgust of the inside and smile soften
right hand and left with such a flourish in my business.

I have no other business to be here telling the truth
in the middle of the street and all the winds:
the truth of being alive, living alone,
feet on the ground and the skeleton free in this world.

What we get with that jump up the sun with our machines
at the speed of thought, damn: what are we
to fly beyond the infinite
if we die with no hope of living out of time

God does not help. No one is useless.
but breathing, and how, and even sleep
thinking that I need about ten or twenty years to go
on his face, like everyone, to sleep in two meters of concrete down there.

I do not cry, I cry. Everything must be and must be, but I can not see
drawers and drawers
spend, spend, spend, spend every minute
filled with something stuffed with something, I can not see
blood still warm drawers. Toco

this rose, kissed its petals,
love life, I never tire of loving women: I eat
to open the world to them. But everything is useless, because I myself am
ready to cut waste, not to understand what it is expected
another world from this world.

I speak of God or I speak of history. I laugh
fetching far
explanation of hunger that devours me, the hunger to live like the sun in the grace
air forever.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dark Brown Poop Pregnant

Happy Easter! =)

Living free from fear, free to love ,
free to be happy,
is an experience of resurrection
that we experiencing in our lives today.
So be it! Happy Easter!

"not afraid"
Mt 28.10

Friday, April 22, 2011

Herpes Pain In My Hip

Time to ponder ... Easter Reflection

You, me, the other, all we are a spark God's divine
were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within each and everyone.

Meditation on forgiveness (audio 1)

Meditation on forgiveness (audio 2)

Meditation on forgiveness (audio 3 )

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cut And Tied Felt Scarves

The greatest romance you can have is the romance with God.
He is the lover and our souls are loved,
and when the soul is the greatest lover of the universe,
then starts the divine romance.
Paramahansa Yogananda

Late have I loved,

beauty so ancient and so new

late have I loved!

And you see that you were within me and I was,

And my unlovely;

and deformed as it was, I threw on these beautiful things

you created.

You were with me but I was not with you.

you kept me away from things that

if they were not in you, would not be.

called and cried, and shattered my deafness:

sparkles or glitters, and fugaste my blindness

Exhale your perfume and breath, and sigh for you;

Taste you, and I hunger and thirst;

touched me and burn me your peace.

We did, Lord, for you,

and our hearts are restless

until it rests in you.

San Augustine

At this time, I wish you a divine romance with Life Ü

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Brazilian Wax How Many Weeks To Grow

head pain Watching

is the way to transform

stored energy to transform that pain,
need to pay attention, observe and be present in what happens to us.

In a situation of pain / distress, we have two options: taking charge or not.

If you process the problem means that you are taking charge.

If you repress, you are denying.

There is a difference between the two attitudes. Denying and suppressing

leads us to the disease, or even our own children, because not only inherit genes, but also our emotions looks.

Live "awake" means of facing the pain and to study deeply the message that comes to giving, what is the experience that is necessary to look, mourn and accept as part of our destiny, to heal and free.

This conscious awareness penetrates and removes deep emotional pains from the root. Only

awake and taking charge, it is possible to purify from allow themselves to feel emotions, and finally transforming it.

course must have the courage to look the truth in us because our mind tends to judge, resist and fight against what is uncomfortable or painful. Remember that healing is done from "Wake Up and Grow" to make contact with the Truth and become more conscious and lucid.

The truth hurts sometimes ... but we are free!

To delve into this subject, I recommend the book "Transforming Our Feelings" and "Maturing Our Addictions", Ed San Pablo, 2008

Monday, April 18, 2011

How To Describe Spider Man

Visiting Theme

We present a ranking of science blogs in English. The blog is an excellent resource to investigate the new findings, current scientific discussion and encourage students to develop research questions.

Listed below are the top four posts of science as the Wiki page, dated April 2011.

invite you to explore these sites with students and tell their experiences. By the way, do not forget to also visit the national site , which is always interesting articles and activities to do about science.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What Is The Largest Dvd Changer

Dis-Fruit (including fruit variety) Maturity =)

Receiving my 45 years =)

begin to live, stumble, get up, sometimes faint, then we recover, learn from mistakes and the feeling of success alternates with failure. We continue our search, at some point our consciousness awakens and grows, giving rise to integration and clarity: there is a way beyond the success and failure. Everything is in the service of our evolution, something bigger.

In our culture today is not very well seen maturity. Seems to play years after a certain age, live longer as a loss as a gift of Life.
even some talk of "preparing" to meet this stage instead of "enjoy."

Personally, as other cultures closer to human nature, I think the maturity as a gift of life that brings us together, life experience and alertness; essentials to grow in wisdom.

therefore fulfilling my 45 years, I feel a deep gratitude to Life for the treasure that means to me:
-deepening inner knowledge,
-have more tools to sustain healthy ties,
-grow each day on love in its various manifestations: daughter, sister, ex-wife, mother, woman, wife, friend, grandmother, etc.

In my city, the day started cloudy and then was transformed to achieve a beautiful golden afternoon ... So was also the shift in consciousness occurred in my inner journey from the darkness of fear of not knowing who I am and get lost on the way toward the golden light of knowing that I created, loved and guided by God. Always!

Authentic Happiness I agree to be a mature experienced by all, and various dis-fruit fruit vital now gives me all the time. MATURITY Welcome!

I look back, accept, appreciate and honor all lived. Nothing has been wasted. Thanks Mom thanks dad. Thanks to all my ancestors. Thanks to all who traveled a stretch of road. I have the strength to look ahead, to Life. And serve.

Life Thanks! I honor, respect, and I am at your service.

"I am with you always
until the end of history"
Mt 28, 20

Friday, April 15, 2011

Stuff To Say On A Get Well Card

What happens when you're awake?

see everything clear

by Anthony Mello *
Can you say that in these last days have you felt as a free and happy, no problems or concerns? Have not you felt this way?

Well you are asleep.

What happens when you're awake?

Nothing changes, everything goes well, but you're the one who has changed into reality.
Then you see all clear.

a teacher asked him his disciples East:

"What has provided the lighting?"

He replied:

"First I had depression and now with the same vacuum, but the difference now is that depression does not bother me "

be awake is to accept everything, not law, nor as a sacrifice, not an effort, but by lighting.
embrace all things because they see clear and nothing and nobody can fool you.'s awakening to the light.

there pain and suffering only arises when you resist the pain. If you accept the pain, suffering does not exist. The pain is unbearable, because it has a sense understandable where eddies. It is intolerable to have the body and mind here in the past or the future.

It is unbearable to want to distort the reality, which is set in stone. Now that's unbearable. It is a useless struggle is useless as its result: the suffering. You can not fight for what is not.

should not seek happiness where it is, not take life so is not life, because then we create a suffering that only the result of our blindness and with it, restlessness, sorrow, fear, insecurity ...

None of this exists only in our minds asleep. When you wake up, it's over.

* Anthony de Mello, (1931 - 1987) Jesuit Priest.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

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The setbacks, obstacles and crises

are opportunities to awaken and Grow Ü

Now is the time to expand our consciousness,
calm the troubled mind, cleanse the doors of perception and restore the health of the eye of the heart
by which we become more wise and loving.

The setbacks, obstacles and crises are opportunities in disguise that Life gives us so we can grow and evolve. Are implicit messages that we must learn to decode.

When we allow these processes move in faith that "everything is for good" (Rom 8.28), we understand the message, and act in harmony with universal values \u200b\u200b(humility, patience, prudence, compassion, generosity, justice, order, equality, liberty, fortitude, temperance, harmony, goodness, kindness, wisdom, love) Life itself surprises us with a miracle.

By contrast, when we resist stubbornly, events are repeated over and over again, and we were detained in the same place as the dog that bites its own tail, because we have not completed the learning that these experiences will come to give.

Awake, alert and aware we can transcend the fears that cause us any obstacles or setbacks and recognition as our teachers, guides, real challenges that offer us the opportunity to re-know, understand something new, learn, grow , unfold, expand, evolve.


Certain events are repeated in our lives because we have not completed the learning we needed for our personal evolution.
When we understand the message and work to learn what is necessary, these events fail to repeat, because their mission is already accomplished.

"What the Father has taught me, that's what I mean ..."
Jn 8, 28

be awake is to accept everything, not law, nor as a sacrifice, not an effort, but lighting.
embrace all things because they see clear and nothing and nobody can fool you. You awaken to the light.
Anthony de Mello

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thank You Message To Dentist

For those who want to see the truth Now is the time

The past that was not watched, prepared, processed, robbing us of vital energy act today to enjoy the here and now.
The key is to look with love "that was" integrating it into our hearts.

In almost every family experiences that impact their constituents.

Often, as the pain is very large, these questions are trying to hide or deny.

Y that no more talk ", thus creating a" family secret. "

Today we thank A. Einstein that " nothing is lost, everything becomes ", which, it is not regarded, remains in the soul of the family.

Then the children, blind love and loyalty invisible, take feedback and take care of these issues that have nothing to do with them, making it difficult to pursue their own way of life.

With teachers as Enrique Pichon Riviere, Bert Hellinger and others that they have de-hidden family dynamics unconscious, we must look only to the person with behavioral problems (and label of "sick"), because we know that this person reports the family problem, and we understand that their behavior is inappropriate to bring a message, who is the spokesperson and serves Grande Something you want to manifest in that family.

is now possible to expose these unconscious dynamics, des-tying those invisible threads that we have "bad tied, "and so everyone can take charge of his own, of their own destiny, liberating and freeing himself also to their offspring.

For those who want to see the truth now is the time .
The power of illusion evaporates.

know the truth
and the truth shall make you free.
Jn 8, 32

Sunday, April 10, 2011

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Wise Advice ...

for everyday

Tips Georges Gurdjieff to his daughter in the book of Alejandro Jodorowsky "The teacher and magicians"

1. Be aware at every moment of what you think , feel, want and do.
2. Always complete what you started.
3. Do what you're doing your best.
4. Do not be chained to anything that will eventually destroy you.
5. Develop your generosity without witnesses.
6. Treat every person as a close relative.
7. Order what you've messed up.
8. Learn to receive, appreciate each gift.
9. Autodefinirte ceases.
10. Do not lie or steal, if you do you lie and you steal from yourself.
11. Help your neighbor without doing so dependent.
12. Do not want to be imitated.
13. Make plans and stick work.
14. Not occupy too much space.
15. Do not make unnecessary noises or gestures.
16. If not, you imitate the faith.
17. Do not be impressed by strong personalities.
18. Do not appropriate anything or anyone.
19. Shared equally.
20. Do not seduce.
21. Eat and sleep is necessary.
22. Do not talk about personal problems.
23. Do not judge or unaware of the criticism when most of the facts.
24. Do not set unnecessary friendships.
25. Do not follow fads.

26. Do not sell.
27. Respect have signed contracts.
28. Be punctual.
29. Do not envy the goods or the successes of others.
30. Speak only what is necessary.
31. Do not think of the benefits that you will try your work.
32. Never threaten.
33. Make your promises.
34. In a discussion yourself in the shoes of another.
35. He admits that someone exceeded.
36. Do not remove, but transformed.
37. Defeat your fears, each of them is a desire that is camouflaged.
38. Helps the other to help themselves.
39. Beat your dislikes and come to those who want to reject.
40. Do not act in reaction to what they say good or bad for you.
41. Transform your pride in dignity.
42. Turn your anger into creativity.
43. Transform your greed in respect for the beauty.
44. Transform your envy into admiration for the values \u200b\u200bof another.
45. Transform your hatred with love.
46. Do not praise or insult you.
47. Try what is not yours as if you belonged.
48. Do not complain.
49. Develop your imagination.
50. Do not give orders for the pleasure of being obeyed.
51. Pays for the services they give you.
52. Propaganda do not make your work or ideas.
53. Do not try to arouse the other emotions to you and pity, admiration, sympathy and complicity.
54. Do not try to distinguish yourself by your appearance.
55. Never contradict, just shut up.
56. No indebtedness, acquires and pays immediately.
57. If you offend someone, ask forgiveness.
58. If you have offended public, excuse yourself in public.
59. If you realize you said something wrong, do not push out of pride in that error and desist immediately from your purpose.
60. Do not defend your ideas old just because it was you who the enunciated.
61. Do not keep useless objects.
62. Do not garnish with alien ideas.
63. Do not take pictures with celebrities.
64. Not accountable to anyone, be your own judge.
65. Never define yourself by what you have.
66. Never talk to you, and grant you the ability to change.
67. You agree that nothing is yours.
68. When asked your opinion on something or someone, say only their qualities.
69. When you are sick, instead of hating this evil Consider it your master.
70. Do not look furtively, stares.
71. Do not forget your dead, but give them a limited room to prevent them from invading your life.
72. In the place in which they live is always a site devoted to the sacred.
73. When you do not service your efforts projections.
74. If you decide to work for others, do it with pleasure.
75. If in doubt between doing and not doing, take risks and do.
76. Do not try to be everything to your partner, admits that others look at what you can not give.
77. When someone takes the audience not to contradict and go steal the audience.
78. Lives of money earned for yourself.
79. Do not boast of affairs.
80. Do not boast about your weaknesses.
81. Never visit someone just to fill your time.
82. Get to distribute

Saturday, April 9, 2011

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Our heart in Rio de Janeiro

by Laurence Freeman

A sunny day, a young man stepped into his old school with a gun and kill several young men.

An indescribable pain and darkness take over the souls of desperate parents waiting outside. An irreparable loss has broken into a few lives in a moment so cruel as the impersonal force of a natural disaster.

We strive to explain the horrible side of human nature, but we can not.

We accept no explanation for evil, which coexists with the mystery of love.
If you look, it is possible to see that the worst that human beings are capable of comes from black holes where love can not enter.
If there is anything we can call "meaning" on these facts, that something must be that we return to life more convinced that we should love one another as He loved us. Only the power of love matters.
We must be prepared for death, regardless of how they come.
Our spiritual path is not worth if you do not believe that we are preparing for death.
much more prepared we are, the more freely we can love what can not be loved, once the dark parts of our hearts have been overcome.
We can not explain the tragedies that cause some psyches destroyed, but we can completely immerse ourselves in the compassion they inspire.
love then you can see how a tsunami that takes all the self-destructive and destructive forces and curing it seems incurable.

Beyond of words, hug those broken hearts that love Rio. Laurence Freeman

Friday, April 8, 2011

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On the dynamics of jealousy

The jealous person unconsciously want the couple to leave.
Bert Hellinger

German philosopher Bert Hellinger, in his book The love hidden symmetry, has an interesting explanation of the dynamics of jealousy, the jealous
unconscious desire that family leave.

From this view, the origin of conflicts a person is seen individually, but by a systematic order generated by your family history. According

Hellinger, some of the systemic unconscious dynamics that lead us to repel our partners are:

- To confirm an ancient belief that they deserve the love , for example, or that cause unhappiness. Some people are afraid of being abandoned and unconsciously, they depart from the partners. Create what are wary, as if the abandonment was preferable to voluntary separation.

- To be faithful to the beliefs and examples of family : acting as parents act when they could not fully accepted when separated or when one of them died in the beginning of a relationship.

- To operate an unconscious identification with another person harmed by the system . For example, a woman is not married because I had to take care of parents and elders. His young niece unconsciously identified with her and never married.

- To fulfill a personal obligation. An old man left his family to take on the current relationship. The second wife, very Enceladus wanted to leave too. In the helping relationship sincere and profound, clearly perceived that he was beholden to the first husband's family, solidarity with it. This is, in this case, the heat does not arise because of the acts of the husband, and if the secret recognition of his debt to the former partner.

Des-hide these dynamics, aware of our role in the family system, allow us to stop acting as an adjunct to certain conflicts. In other words, to understand how our personal history is tainted by the repetition of a generational conflict is not resolved, we decided not to repeat, re-defining our position in the family system.

The best way to reduce the intensity of jealousy is left to interpret it as a drama and begin to express and work as an experience of emotional suffering can be transformed (1).

which will need to be honest with yourself, and open with each other in a simple and sincere, because sincerity is in itself an antidote to the desire to manipulate and control the other. In talking with our partners on the experience of jealousy will no longer use our feelings as a weapon of defense or offense to keep our family under control.

jealousy If we use as a means of controlling your partner, eventually saw more and more of us. But it is important not to deny our feelings, to hide as we who naturally isolate us, causing an even greater evil, because the more we turn away, plus our jealousy tend to grow. It is best to seek help to improve our self-esteem and re-connect with the reality of who we really are: children of God created in His image and likeness.

The de-valuation of himself is one of the most important causes of intense jealousy. People who want to grow and develop, do not fear their emotional conflicts and know that from this, it is possible to advance the process of self-knowledge.

When we express our emotional experiences with the intention of deepening our relationships, cultivate sincerity and honesty, basic attitudes to grow healthy and mature love.

Personal Work
For those who feel that jealousy trap his life begins to perceive
-when and how they arise jealousy. Watch as he
-up data for scientific research, how you react when jealousy comes up. In doing so gradually no longer have to overreact, because watching you're learning yourself a healthy look, able to distinguish between imagination and reality.

[1] For further reading usher s reading "Transforming Our Feelings", Maria G. And Dr. Robert F. Buttera Ré, Editorial San Pablo 2008.