Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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What lies behind the desire for revenge?

Vengeance is blind and spreads like wildfire

"The operator just look forward, "
Bert Hellinger
When someone suffers an injustice
When someone suffers an injustice, usually give rise to a strong desire for revenge.
And that desire for revenge he wants is that the other suffers as he, deep down he wants is the other's death, his suffering.
Now, we might ask:
- what happens to that person with vengeance in the depths of his soul?,
- what feels if he can take revenge and is proud of it?,
- can feel a being human?,
- can you love others?,
- Can be happy?

Wakes desire for revenge
When a person comes from another who was considered an injustice, also arouses the desire for revenge on the victim as well, thus creating a circle of hatred that often not even knows how it started.
addition, it often happens that the impulse for revenge is not directed only to the individual who is responsible for injustice and you want revenge, but it spreads to other people too.

Vengeance is blind and expands
Then, beyond that some people have had or not to do injustice, the impulse for revenge often takes superhuman proportions and spreads like fire, killing many innocent lives that had nothing to do with it.
Thus we see that vengeance is blind. Why not see the consequences.

eye for an eye and end all blind
And how to light a thirst for revenge?
"An eye for an eye and end all blind," said Gandhi.
This is the point: to get rid of the impulse of revenge must deeply understand how this works, and that one is who can be burned with the fire that spreads through revenge. Self
innocent can end get caught fire of revenge!

justice on behalf of the victims are killed
Many are driven by the impulse of revenge in the name of justice.
But can justice be something that is in the service of death? Justice for whom?
Can God, creator of all life, love this kind of justice that victims sacrificed?

Life can only continue if there is more life for all
Today more than ever it is necessary that each of us to realize that life can only continue if there is more life for all, more love for all , that what we really need is to be free and love.
The worst blindness is usurp power over life.
The journey is the humility and reconciliation, is to recognize that all are equal before God.

How to find the way to life for all?
-Awakening and realizing that revenge serves to death and not life-
consciously choosing to serve life in a humble and
-Honoring the life, every life.

To reflect
" Peace comes after the conflict. Leads to piece together what was the opposite. Peace is the successful outcome of a conflict, is a solution. With peace, the hope that it starts a separate factor has been exceeded, resulting to see a possible future. Peace looks forward. Wounds are healed, the dead are buried, where damage was repaired and destruction, re-build "Bert Hellinger

Spirituality lights the way
" Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and home from home, falls "
Lk 11, 17

" Basa your life in the spirit of conversion. Everything else flows from there - what we do, where we go ... "
John Main, The Joy of Being


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