Saturday, February 19, 2011

Woman Wetting On Woman Face


FOX HUNTER has left a new comment on your post "ALVISEG" "

MARIANO IS REALLY DESPERATE, and realized I put the 4 PATOT, his supposed friends who tried to help "was sunk MAS "and NOW is trying to seek help from their Forister who want nothing to do with litigation and nobody stepped outside, the Collins Gem MANY ARE DECEIVED AND SURPRISED BY THE ATTITUDE FORUM administrator, Hopefully it all comes to an end and truth and the real reasons ENDING HATE both for the good of all. (here the NEW ITEMS)

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Fox Hunter:

you seem to be the only one that has three grams of brain in the head, the large group of Defensive Shooting cacasenos

of Alvisegperu We even knew of the existence of Defensive Shooting Forum

We learned of its existence, when they published on their platform, comments, in which we ridicule and injured our Managing Director.

We answer with a single item, to clarify the sr. Victor F. Montes, in Article
where we have written over 110 articles that have been visited by over 20,000 people to date topics of sociology, ethics, marketing, etc..

But it did not stay there. The homosexual psychopath, who chairs the Forum with an iron hand, voting for all those who dare to publish in its platform a post against him and his managers, had the luxury of taking a statement, which graciously said

THE COMPANY ALVISEGPERU requested to be part of this forum, but access was denied. "

1 .- As we could request access to a forum, which we did not know of its existence in Peru?

2 .- As we seek, we who are part of the Pool of Trainers in Arms DICSCAMEC duly accredited by the Ministry of Interior of Peru, ask a forito, unknown, to teach us, we East?

3 .- Why would nostro be part of a large family that stabs, slashes, hits cabezasos, bite and tear the hair between them?

we had not done anything against forito, we would not have, nor mentioned in our 35 blogs, 12 websites, if they had not messed with Alviseg.

To you and all the public that follows us, (see how each week increase the visits to this blog) to see the evil intention of the puppet, who acts as chairman, Armas Gay Forum Network, we'll show blog he and his little lawyer, have created here

That is the desperate response of someone who does not qualify to be a leader, manager, or president of an association of shoeshine.


1 .- The Chairman of a Forum, an association, oversees the corporate image of your organization.

2 .- The President shall ensure the normal development of the institution and all its activities, trying to set an example for the community and country.

3 .- The President shall ensure that harmony, good relations with society, business and political actors, economic and social optimum, immeasurable.

4 .- The President embodies the association, its members and is responsible for all criminal acts, civil law, so always favored good practice, handling all act with integrity, honesty, integrity and absolute respect people, thus ensuring that everyone in society, give her respect, support, approval.

5 .- The president should not for any reason to make decisions and actions that compromise the good name of the institution, its members, threatening to the point that comes to doubt his moral quality , professional. De the integrity of the organization.

Marianito if was mistaken release taking a liar, if the forum, its organization, been imported him something, he must immediately take out another, which could say

take this opportunity to rectify a statement released by mistake on our platform. The Company Alvisegperu, not asking to be part of this forum. We offer apologies for the misinformation to the members srs.

With only that, has anyone in the world designed and planned, a systematic campaign to discredit their organization. Quite the contrary have been sufficient to terminate the case. Defensive Shooting has not gone through terrible hell, has not been affected its credibility, public image, has remained unaffected. Look forum you if any weapons in Latin America living hell, that of Mariano

But no. Marianito is very proud to rebarjarse to something as noble, as is publicly acknowledge an error.

No, no, no. Mariano is something like an idol of bastards, who likes everyone to praise and treat him the same respect as a marquez of the colony, no matter if you are wrong, his word is law.

is so ignorant, so professional, he does not know "what it takes no courage cortez ." The move by the university, but the university did not go for it.

He prefers a thousand times, see your crummy forum, crucified, scourged, spat upon, insulted, publicly, rather than as a man, admit that was wrong, when permission to post a Liar Press.

Who is affected more complaints to us or to forito arap, absolutely unknown in Peru?

It's so ill-advised, writing for example that we use a Directorial Resolution is to Asset Security Service, as the alleged permission to teach courses of fire.

is not so, we do not use the RD. to teach shooting, that would be the most fake, a form of cheating and that does not incur.

But we will not show a cheapie, thief, liar, our documents, because for us it's all shit water.

A year ago we filed criminal charges, the little boyfriend of one of the daughters of Backus, wealthy people in the country.

After a year of filing the amount of false evidence, based on guesswork, analysis of brainy little lawyer, after he brought police witnesses bought, paid, to give more credence to the complaint, finished the Criminal Prosecution , she asked Mr. Judge dismissed the case, our complainants being ridiculous.


Because we present the original documents of qualifications we had, both in Peru, as outside of it, which was overwhelming. We tried so strong, that whatever happened, it was only because the little boyfriend of the dog, wanted to give it to bacan with us.

Mariano has shown, that can not drive or guide the destinies of an organization, association, forum.

You searched by all means to locate our offices, has sent thousands of idiots to call, write, visit each direction given erroneous (Deliberately in our pages), for security reasons.

already defeated, explode, on the verge of madness, gave the order to create a blog of difamasion against us .......

That matters little to us, we are known in all Latin American countries, alumni have since 1985 where he began to teach gun handling mr. Reyes. Loads of our graduates in all countries, who have their university diplomas, number of soldiers we know, police have already lost count, before Mariano comes up with the wonderful idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a website to attract people forumers, to send a groove do not know shit and profit at home .......
All the instructors here, we Accreditation, the dying to see, read, running to try to remove it, for the clowns who serve instructors in the groove Pampon not know shit.

He presented to everyone as a victim .... as someone who is brutally attacked, without cause ...... that is one beautiful person, healthy, quiet, humble, docile, almost angelic ..... to say I was ill command ...... trying not every day we continue twisting the neck, not to follow out the eyes bit, but we are not convinced their pleas.

This issue ends thus:



Otherwise be prepared because even today we played with the petal of a rose ...... .

But then no longer be so ........... vera and the like will be, while you keep enjoying stoically and the entire group, the flood of complaints, we to publish not only in this Blog, in international platforms which we belong. We have yet to come to other Web sites, where if we do, we will have no priest ever .....

In Spain, our group brings together university graduates throughout Latin America 340 members .... they have already seen the nail of his little finger in this case, but I better see him complete a book and forward between colleagues in arms, policemen, soldiers of all countries of Latin America ........

Colonel EP ODI will be our best witness and took our name, to say that we had been denied access to your mailbox, your sewer, her large family where everyone stab, stab, kick, almost daily ....

We luckily months ago the photos of the partners, we will use of course, to present to the world as the cabal of crooks who are ......

DNI 07899680
Accredited Instructor of Armas
Ministry of Interior of Peru


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