Monday, October 25, 2010

Pokemon Platinum English Rom

CRA International Book Fair of Santiago

This Friday, October 29 begins the XXX version of the International Book Fair of Santiago. On the occasion of celebrating the bicentennial of our country, the guest this year is Chile. There will be many activities to celebrate our 200 years in literary matters, so do not forget to attend this great cultural celebration with their families or students.
Here you can view the program of the Fair, which will be open until 14 November in Santiago Mapocho.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Chinese Crested Powder Puff For Sale]

In the library at Nobel

The first time I read Mario Vargas Llosa was because several years ago, I met one of his books in one of my walks through the library of my school. One of the big reasons I started reading I had to do with how attractive I found the book as object, their covers, their backs and their pages bore infinite words. Go to the library was for me just as fascinating as it is for some women shoes in a store window shopping. In one of these trips I met City and dogs, was then a new edition of Alfaguara, one that on its face has a black and white image and title in red and, as it is exhibited as prominent, I decided to read it.

As expected, the book I loved. Characters told the story of my age, also students, but living a completely different reality from mine and were taught under the logic and discipline were far from those I knew. From the moment I closed the book, Vargas Llosa became one of the few writers whose books have never ceased to amaze me. The Green House, Conversation in the Cathedral , The Storyteller , Pantoja and the Special , Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter and The Feast of the Goat are just some of the works that have entertained me I have opened up new worlds, have made me mourn and fear and have filled me with new ideas and thoughts.

Now, after more than ten years of reading this writer, I am glad that so prolific figures of Latin American literature are recognized worldwide and that literature is still strong in our region. Congratulations!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pos Software Yogurt Store

Today is underway in the North American Chilean Institute of Culture, the first week of information literacy (IL).

Q hat "means to lfabetizaciĆ³n i nformacional?

is the ability to understand and set of skills that enable individuals to recognize WHEN information is needed and have the ability to LOCATE, EVALUATE USE and information effectively required. say that a person with skills to access and use of information is able to:
  • Recognize an information need
  • determine the extent of information required
  • Access it efficiently
  • evaluate information and sources
  • Incorporate selected information into his own knowledge base
  • use information effectively to accomplish specific tasks
  • Understanding economic problems, legal and social surrounding the use of information
  • Get it and use it in a legal and ethical
  • Sort, store, manipulate and redraft information collected or generated
  • recognize information literacy as a prerequisite for learning throughout life

People face a number of alternative selection of information, this sometimes comes without filters, then there are doubts about its reliability.

Information Literacy, currently required, according to American Library Association

Source: Information Literacy: the definition of CILIP

Monday, October 4, 2010

Kumho Road Venture Mt Life

Information Literacy Information Literacy XVI National Week of Science and Technology

From 4 to 10 October is holding the sixteenth week of Science and Technology EXPLORE-CONICYT. Bicentennial This year the main theme corresponds to the identity and territory, and thereby seeks to understand how our country and its formation have defined our character. It features many

and various national activities, which aim to leave the lab and open science community. These include "1000 scientists 1000 classrooms" in which a man or woman of science classroom visit, "Day of science in my school", for which delivery EXPLORE materials and suggests a pattern of activities to perform with the educational community, and "Universities, Laboratories, Museums and Observatories open", where public and private institutions open their doors to show how scientific knowledge is constructed.

invite you to be part of this week's science, whether by taking advantage of the proposed activities EXPLORE as in their own activities in their establishments. To learn more about the program, go here .