Monday, January 31, 2011

Wella Conditioner For Straightened Hair

The advantages of working together collectively

One study found that the animals associated in large groups make better decisions than smaller ones. Through an experiment to observe fish researchers realized that the fish avoided the predator solitary in a little over half of the trials. The higher the group, the proportion of fish that chose the right path increased, reaching almost 90%.

Although this has always been an assumption, there are few empirical demonstrations of the phenomenon. This experiment proves that the speed and accuracy decision making is greatly increased in proportion to the size of a school group, so the researchers reached two conclusions: The first is that the groups are led by a small proportion of good decision-makers. The second, that members of a group operating under the self-monitoring and are in a constant state of alert. Thus, the efficiency of decision making of schools lies in the division of labor and the smooth exchange of information.

The authors argue that this act of association and cooperation may have helped to promote the evolution of social communities in animals, from small, like ants to human beings themselves.

What do you think of this statement? "Human beings are more efficient in making decisions when we do as a team? What conditions have to give a team to work collaboratively and get successful results?

debate remains open for discussion.

Source: "Fast and Accurate Decisions Through collective vigilance in fish shoals." Ashley JW Ward, James E. Herbert Read, David JT Sumpter, and Jens Krause. School of Biological Sciences, University of Sydney, Mathematics Department, Uppsala University, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, and Department for Crop and Animal Sciences, Humboldt University. May, 2010. Edited by Giorgio Parisi, University of Rome, December, 2010. Published in the online journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, PNAS.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Morrowind Best Female Mods

Science in the school library CRA Digital readout

New technologies and the spread of Internet have brought innovation in literary form and expression. This is the case of collective novel, text that is built not by a single author, but by a group of authors who are usually anonymous. This new model comes from the Internet novel, although it has its origins in long-standing techniques, such as the exquisite corpse of the Surrealists. Its collective nature involves the blurring of the concept of authorship and ownership, on the Web the information is free and democratic. Everyone can and should be authors to be part of this universe informational.

Science has a different story. The rigor of scientific research is not indifferent to the sources and authors, however, since there is valid research methodology, and therefore also its scientific validity. However, any finding is quite collective: the result of many small discoveries of people devoted to the study and experimentation. All we know today is a large collaborative work between different researchers and their valuable contributions to science.

invite you to develop a collective science fair in the library: it raises an issue and a research question motivating and set a deadline for a student or team of students involved with a proposed response. Together with some teachers, is a jury and awarded the best answer and research methodology, which you can publish and disseminate in the library. From the questions arising from the investigation winner starts a new contest, and so it goes with new contests that give permanent home to new scientific questions. Finally, you can find a way to gather all the chapters of this great collective research and make it part of the scientific collection of the library CRA.

Would you like a good idea?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Color Of Tie To Wear With Grey Shirt

A lot of technology has come with new digital tools, because the term "digital readout" is not about having a computer with Adobe Acrobat to read documents in pdf format , it goes there, for example, Amazon sells a device, Kindle, for storage of books, the price is around U.S. $ 490 U.S. dollars, with 4 GB to store about 3,500 books.

Can you imagine 3,500 books in a digital device you can carry everywhere. Furthermore, a recent report indicates that it has been released test version, lending Club Kindle (Kindle loan club). More information: see here

And you would you like to read digitally?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pittsburgh Penguin Tie Tack

critical commentary on the book "The great works of the words" (Agnès de Lestrade. Valeria Docampo. Ed. Sleepyslaps, 2010)

The image of the spiral is a metaphor that secretly cover this story. It is not, however, the origin of a sophisticated reflection on the nature of time and the course of history. This is not a Borges story. The look here is another. More terrible, I am tempted to say.

Let's go to the image and try to discover the allegorical burden. The elements are few, no more trick in that: a spiral staircase that ascends playing with light and dark in the lower-dominated by black and gray, while the higher-bright hues, a girl, Aura-clinging the railing and looking at a child-Diego-which in turn looked at from the beginning of the spiral. Notice that he has his head covered, and that the set of plans that the artwork articulates her figure disappears into the depths of the funnel. Additionally, Aura can be seen near a couple of pieces of paper in your area have registered a letter. A little further down, and superficial, is a sheet-this time from a tree-fall slide where Diego. On its surface, of course, nothing is written. So far the description of the image. We will return to it.

Now to explain the social space where this scene takes place. Generally speaking, would indicate that this is a city where talk is literally a luxury. The words are priceless, and to say something must be bought before. In a country like this, people with fewer resources are necessarily quieter, and the few phrases that come out of their mouths usually have their origin in a word found in the street. A Diego rightful place within this social space. He can hardly speak, and most of the time you should settle for a simple smile on his face. But that certainly does not suffice to conquer Aura. Especially if Oscar, a wealthy child who has the privilege to say what he feels, also seeks to conquer. At this point in the narrative is the image of the spiral, and in it I see the perfect synthesis of the various forces that stress this story.

In principle, the problem of immobility. Diego How can break the vicious circle of poverty and conquer Aura? Recursion seems spiral force to remain the bottom of the funnel, where the light just comes in and the head should be covered to hide the pent-up frustration. In addition, the acquisition of a literate culture is impossible for Diego. The sheets of paper containing signs, the possibility of access to writing, are in the upper curve of the stairs, a place he can not reach. Therefore, you just need to comply with the other sheet, faded, sad and silent. A leaf that belongs to the natural world, not culture. And in society where he lives Diego, validation systems operate according to the latter. Checkmate

-intimate Agnès de Lestrade, the author of the text.

Este, I believe, is the story behind this illustration. I could write - how privileged I am! - And reveal the end of the story of the spiral, but I think this is the time to be silent. Sometimes it is better to keep silent.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Leather Jacket Resize

Space for comic purposes

The joy of reading, like all areas of life, encompasses a vast difference in formats and genres. A type of reading which has proven to be very popular among young people, is the comic.

From Spain, and with support from the Ministry of Culture of that country, web page is published Comicteca. According to its own definition, "Comicteca is a space-environment of thought, reflection and creation around the visual-textual language or comic. WHY COMIC? WHAT COMIC? WHERE TO COMIC? COMIC WHO? COMIC WHAT? "

The articles cover various topics, from their origins and history, the new language, trends, politics in comics and visual language, among others. It is interesting to see how they relate to multiple themes, generating a rich dialogue.

For all who are interested in comics or those who are beginning to know them, we extend an open invitation to explore this interesting place.

COMICTECA.ES illustration from

Friday, January 7, 2011

Japanese Zenra Forums


started the 2011 full of good intentions. From the CRA team have evaluated the past year and ideas no longer appear. Among them, our best intentions to turn this blog into a tool to support coordinators Managers and CRA in its important work. For this once again invite you to support us with your comments. All your experiences and knowledge on various topics are a contribution to the ARC Network.

use the summer to collect all the ideas we can to ensure that children and young people in Chile read more and better. Also want to read ourselves, read, read, read. A good book helps them weather the heat and rest.